GED Practice Test

Take our GED practice test to prepare for your exam. Our free GED practice test includes questions from all 4 subjects of the actual exam.

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GED Subject Specific Practice

If you want to practice for specific subjects on the GED exam, take one of the following free GED exams (subject specific):

GED Math

Take a math specific practice exam to prepare.

GED Science

Take a science specific practice exam to prepare.

Social Studies

Take a social studies specific practice exam to prepare.

Reasoning Language Arts

Take a reasoning language arts specific practice exam to prepare.

GED Exam Overview

The GED exam is a high school equivalency exam. Individuals who pass this exam will receive their GED certificate, which is an alternative to getting your high school diploma.

There are 4 subjects tested on the GED:

  • GED Math: 46 Questions, 115 Minutes
  • GED Science: 40 Questions, 90 Minutes
  • GED Social Studies: 35 Questions, 70 Minutes
  • GED Reasoning Language Arts: 46 Questions + 1 Essay, 150 Minutes

Important Note: You do not have to take all the sections at once. You can space them out if you would like.

An infographic showing an overview of the GED exam and the different sections

Here is a more in-depth look at each subject on the exam:

GED Math

The math section is split up into 2 sections. You will not be able to use a calculator for section 1. You will have a 3-minute break between the sections.

You will be provided with a formula sheet, so there is no need to memorize formulas.

  • Total Number of Sections: 2
  • Total Number of Questions: 46
  • Total Time Limit: 115 Minutes
  • Topics Tested: 4
    • Basic Math
    • Geometry
    • Basic Algebra
    • Graphs and Functions

GED Science

The science section is only 1 section.

  • Total Number of Sections: 1
  • Total Number of Questions: 40
  • Total Time Limit: 90 Minutes
  • Topics Tested: 3
    • Reading for Meaning in Science
    • Designing and Interpreting Science Experiments
    • Using Numbers and Graphics in Science

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

The reasoning through language arts section consists of 3 total sections. Section 1 will include about 13 questions. Section 2 will include the written essay question. Section 3 will be the remaining 33 questions.

  • Total Number of Sections: 3
  • Total Number of Questions: 46 + 1 Essay
  • Total Time Limit: 150 Minutes
  • Topics Tested: 3
    • Reading for Meaning
    • Identifying and Creating Arguments
    • Grammar and Language

GED Social Studies

The social studies section is only 1 section.

  • Total Number of Sections: 1
  • Total Number of Questions: 35
  • Total Time Limit: 70 Minutes
  • Topics Tested: 3
    • Reading for Meaning in Social Studies
    • Analyzing Historical Events and Arguments in Social Studies
    • Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies

Important Note: The RLA, social studies, and science sections all lean towards reading comprehension exams. These sections are more about reading a passage and being able to comprehend the passage vs. actually knowing science or social studies concepts.

GED Question Types

We can break down the types of questions on the GED into 2 different categories:

  1. Section of the GED
  2. Question Format

1. Types of Questions by Section

Since each section on the GED is a standalone section, the questions that appear will be different on each section. You will see the following types of questions by section:

  • GED Math
    • Basic Math
    • Geometry
    • Basic Algebra
    • Graphs and Functions
  • GED Science
    • Reading for Meaning in Science
    • Designing and Interpreting Science Experiments
    • Using Numbers and Graphics in Science
    • Reading for Meaning
    • Identifying and Creating Arguments
    • Grammar and Language
  • GED Social Studies
    • Reading for Meaning in Social Studies
    • Analyzing Historical Events and Arguments in Social Studies
    • Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies

2. Types of Questions by Format

Throughout all of the sections on the GED, you will see a variety of different question types when it comes to format. You can expect the following question formats:

  • Multiple-Choice: You will be given 4 answer choices with 1 correct answer option.
  • Drag and Drop: You will be asked to drag the answer choices to the correct area.
  • Fill In the Blank: You will be asked to fill in a blank space to answer the question.
  • Select an Area: You will be shown a diagram or map and asked to select the correct area.
  • Drop Down: You will be given a list of answers and asked to select the answer from a drop down menu.
  • Written Essay: There will be 1 written essay that will appear on the RLA section.

Use the Right Tools to Practice for the GED

1. Practice Exams

GED practice exams are one of the best ways to prepare for this exam. With 3 of the 4 sections (RLA, Science, and Social Studies) being more like reading comprehension exams, it is imperative you practice these types of questions.

By taking numerous practice exams and answering questions, you will become more familiar with reading passages and answering questions based on those passages.

In addition, a GED practice test will also help you learn important math concepts and prepare you for that section as well.

2. Study Guides / Learning Modules

Our study guides / guided learning modules will be very helpful when preparing for this exam (especially for the math section). Our learning content will review everything you need to know for the GED exam.

We review only the most important concepts you need to know. We do not want to waste any time when reviewing for the exam.

3. Knowledge Check Quizzes

Want to know if you truly grasped a concept after learning it? You can take our knowledge check quizzes after each module to test your knowledge.

Our knowledge check quizzes are short quizzes that cover what you just learned. They are a great way to check and see if you know what you are doing.

Tips and Tricks for GED Practice

Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks to use when practicing for the GED exam:

  • Take a Diagnostic Exam: We always recommend getting a baseline to see where you stand. This will help you narrow down which sections you need the most help with. You can take our GED diagnostic exam above or you can take our more comprehensive diagnostic exam in our GED test prep course.
  • Narrow Down Problem Areas: Try to narrow down which specific subjects you want to focus on first. We recommend studying and preparing for the most difficult subjects first. It is different for everyone, but math is usually the most challenging subject for most.
  • Utilize Answer Explanations: A great way to learn is by using answer explanations to learn complex concepts. All of our questions include detailed answer explanations that show you how to solve the problem.
  • Explain How to Solve a Question to a Friend: Sit down with a friend and try to explain how to solve a specific question or concept that gives you trouble. If you are able to explain it to someone, odds are that you grasp the concept. This works great for math questions and concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are about 167 questions and 1 essay on the GED exam. These questions are split up like so:

  • GED Math: 46
  • GED Science: 40
  • GED RLA: 46 + 1 Essay
  • GED Social Studies: 35

No, you can split up the exam and take it as you please.

Yes, to get your GED certificate, you will need to take and pass all 4 sections.

There are 4 different subject tests:

  • Math
  • Reasoning through Language Arts
  • Science
  • Social Studies

Yes, you can use a calculator. However, there is one section on the math portion in which you will not be allowed to use a calculator.

You will get unlimited access for 180 days to our prep course. You will receive the following prep materials:

  • Diagnostic Exam
  • 16 Full-Length Exams (4 Per Subject)
  • 100+ Modules of Learning Content
  • 650+ Flashcards
  • and more

Yes, you will be able to retake the GED. However, your specific retake policy will vary by state.

The price to take the GED will vary by state. However, you can expect to pay about $30 per subject exam. In total, you can expect to pay about $120.

Testing procedures will vary on a state by state basis. However, many states have made the move to online testing.

If your state offers online testing, you can expect for it to be proctored virtually.

You will need to score a 145+ on each subject of the exam to pass. However, scoring higher can have additional benefits like earning college credit or testing out of specific classes.

Authored By: BoostPrep Team

This article was crafted by a member of the BoostPrep team.

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Disclaimer: BoostPrep is unaffiliated with, and completely independent of all testing organizations such as ACE, GED Testing Service LLC, etc, and receives no promotional funding from any such organization. All trademarks used on this site such as GED are registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are used here solely for purposes of identification.